Enroll everyday & anyday

throughout the school year! Attend School TODAY


Enjoy Everyday Enrollment & Go to School Today With Us!

We want to let your child learn how to think and learn for themselves with our system School of Tomorrow at Elshaddai School Intercontinental. You only need 3 steps to start your child’s day with us:

  1. Download and Fill The Application Letter and document
  2. Visit Us & Test your child skill to possess the grade
  3. Let your child go to El Shaddai for first day school

We also provide the student center learning program, high quality education with Cambridge examination, also improve softskills and hardskills. Unlock your child potential and uniqueness now with us!

Enrollment Process

To get started on your application, prospective students/parents need to download and complete application form and submit it online or hand it directly to the admission office on your day of visit.

Subsequently the child will be invited to sit for the assessment/examination. There is also an opportunity for parents and guardians to make enquiries from staff in attendance, during the examination.

If you want to pay for the Entrance Test Fee (Rp 300.000) now, please follow the payment details and send a proof of transaction at elshaddaischool@gmail.com.

Payment through online banking transaction
Bank name: UOB
Account name: Yayasan Citra Mulia Nusa Bangsa
Account Number (Rupiah) : 6403000083
Account Number (USD) : 6409000395
Message: Assessment/Entrance Test Fee

Download Enrollment Form >>


Application Form


Application Form

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